zondag 13 september 2015

Smart move by Marquez!

Today the MotoGP riders continued their Championship at the Italian circuit San Marino. 
Yesterday, in the qualifications, Lorenzo showed the best of himself and took pole position. He had quite a lead on Marquez, who took 2nd pace on the grid. Rossi completed the first row. The two Yamaha titans run a huge fight and that means that every detail, mistake and little point counts! 

helmet Rossi 
Lorenzo was the one to open the race of 28 laps. Marquez followed closely with Rossi on his heels. Lorenzo turned on his robot-mood and Rossi had some little troubles to not lose the two Spaniards. But all of them deceived by the weather. It turned out to become a wet race.

A lot of riders swapped bikes and so did Lorenzo, Marquez and Rossi.
The whole situation changed. Marquez planned a few attacks on Lorenzo. Some of them were really close and you could hear the public losing their mind because of the huge risks he took. But  the Black Mamba was too fast and too accurate. Marc let Rossi pass and took place in 3rd position. Rossi had seen his opportunity and assailed his teammate. It was not more than a 10s fight but The Doctor managed to take the leaders position.
There was one problem. The tires were used up. From the box, they were obliged to swap the bike. Marquez felt the coming danger and drove into the pits. His colleagues, on the other hand, Rossi and Lorenzo ignored the order and continued their battle, although Rossi had quite a big gap behind him.
A few laps later, also Lorenzo swapped his bike. As for Rossi, there remained nothing of his tires. With 7 laps to go, he eventually got into the pits and had to continue for 5th place. But while all of that was happening, his greatest competitor, Jorge Lorenzo, made the fatal speed wobble and had to quit the race.
An unusual podium today. It was a smart move for Marc Marquez, to swap bikes and that leaded him to victory. He had only one goal for today: winning. Surprisingly, the 2nd and 3rd position were taken by Bradley Smith and Scott Redding. Redding did already crash during the race and he also had to fight for his 3rd step with Baz, who ended up 4th.  

Rossi lays now 23 points ahead of Lorenzo. Still, the battle hasn’t been fought yet, but I think next time, we will see a vengeful Lorenzo…

Merel Reyntjens

maandag 31 augustus 2015

Rossi rules over the UK

Yesterday, MotoGP continued its championship in the British Silverstone.
A huge fight is playing between the two Yamaha riders Valentino Rossi and Jorge Lorenzo, however there is also Marc Marquez, who could form a threat…
Anyway, Marquez claimed the pole position, Lorenzo managed to take 2nd, Pedrosa 3rd and Rossi 4th.
The riders were ready to open the gas until… it began to rain. Result: Wet race. 

There was a bit of a chaos and the race was delayed. Eventually, they retook their places and opened a 20 rounds-race, full of danger and risks.  Bad luck for Hernandez, who slipped and experienced not more than 10 seconds of the #BritishGP.
A fantastic start for Lorenzo, Marquez and Rossi, who made top three. Pedrosa, on the other hand, he lost a couple places. 
There was a blunder for the young rider Jack Miller, who drove too fast into the turn, slipped and dragged his tame mate Carl Crutchlow down with him. Crutchlow took another shot but crashed again and had no other chance than to leave the race.
Rossi succeeded to take over the leaders position, but took Marquez with him, leaving Lorenzo behind with Pedrosa, Dovizioso and Petrucci.
The gap was growing and growing and it was breathtaking  how they managed to control their bikes so they wouldn’t crash.
But of course, this is a wet race and that means crashes guaranteed. Coming out of the corner, Marquez made a high sider and crashed. With that, he lost all his chances for the World Championship. Also Lorenzo had a ‘bad’ day. Petrucci and Dovi easily overtook him and all he could do was follow. But the gap between them and Rossi  was shrinking.
The Doctor could almost feel the hot breath of his countryman burning in his neck.
The last turns were nail biting, but Rossi took his 4th victory of the season. Petrucci took his first podium of his MotoGP career and Dovizioso completed the Italian podium. Lorenzo ended up 4th and complained about his visor. He now lays 12 points behind Rossi.
This will be a hell of a final!

 Merel Reyntjens

maandag 17 augustus 2015

The Black Mamba strikes again!

Yesterday, the riders got together in the Czech Brno.
The qualifications made clear that Yamaha rider Jorge Lorenzo was ready to beat the competition. He was the only rider who managed to get his best round ridden in less than 1.55.00min.
Marquez was qualified 2nd and Rossi completed the front row.

A magnificent start for Lorenzo, who took the hole shot, and Marquez, who followed closely. Unfortunately Rossi had missed his start a bit and chased the Spanish bulls from behind the red Ducati of Dovizioso. 
Eventually, after a bit pushing and searching, Rossi managed to pass Dovi and started his pursuit.
But the gap had grown to more than 5sec.
Maybe we all expected an attack from Marquez, but he just wasn’t able to oppress the Black Mamba, especially when Lorenzo drove around the circuit like a preprogrammed robot.
Marquez lost his grip on the Yamaha and let a 2.5sec gap enter. 
Our Spanish gladiator took his well-deserved victory with proud and stands now on top, together with his team mate Rossi, of the World Championship. Marquez took 2nd place, Rossi ended up 3rd.

 Merel Reyntjens

maandag 10 augustus 2015

Marquez does it again!

After a well-deserved break, the riders were ready to continue the battle for the World Championship, which now took place in the USA, Indianapolis.
A little bit of calculating made clear that it’s still possible for Marc Marquez to claim the title, and he has still faith in it. Of course you have the main characters Valentino Rossi and Jorge Lorenzo, who were dragged into this team fight. The gap between them is so small that every little point is vital.

Marquez claimed the Pole Position, Pedrosa managed to take 2nd pace on the grid and Lorenzo completed the first row. And we could find Rossi on position 8.

A magnificent start for the Spaniard Jorge Lorenzo, who took the hole shot and opened the IndyGP.
Marquez and Pedrosa followed closely. Also Rossi was coming from behind and eventually he overtook Iannone, who took his turn to wide, and made his connection with the Spanish squad.
Rossi knew that he had to keep an eye on his team mate, two eyes if possible, but first he had to pass through Pedrosa. But the Honda rider liked his position and did not agree with The Doctor. The more he tried and failed, bigger became the gap between the front men Lorenzo and Marquez.
Eventually, after pushing, trying and searching for a passageway, he finally overtook Pedrosa. But the gap had grown to 3.5 seconds and all hope for a victory was gone. Especially when Pedrosa made clear that he was in his element and wanted to cross swords. 
While this fight was going on, in the front, Marquez had taken his chance and claimed the leaders position. After that,
Lorenzo wasn’t able to catch up and Marquez took his 3rd victory, his 2nd in a row, of the year and also the 700th Honda victory.
Rossi was able to keep Pedrosa behind and completed the podium.

Perhaps for Rossi it was a good thing Marquez won, because instead of one point, Lorenzo lays now nine points behind the Italian.
Now we're heading to Brno, where the fight continues…

Merel Reyntjens

maandag 13 juli 2015

De terugkeer van de Baby Alien!

Vandaag gingen de coureurs van start in het Duitse Sachsenring, welbekend als een excellent Honda- circuit. Het team maakte alleszins een goeie start door met Marc Marquez de pole te grijpen en de 2de plaats door Dani Pedrosa te laten veroveren. Jorge Lorenzo startte vanop 3de positie en Rossi mocht achter zijn teamgenoot plaatsnemen op de 6de plaats.

Een vlammende met drie mannen die als eerst de bocht aansneden maar het was Lorenzo die er als eerste uitraasde. 
Marc Marquez volgde op de voet en Pedrosa en Rossi maakten ook hun aansluiting. Gedachten werden nu op nul gezet en de 30-ronden lange race werd geopend.
Al snel waren het de twee Honda’s en de twee Yamaha’s die een gat wisten te slaan op de achtervolgers. Marquez had zijn weg naar de leiding gevonden en draaide de gas volledig open. Door een bijna- high-sider van Rossi dreigde de groep uiteengerukt te worden, maar door  vlug bij te pikkelen werden de vier tenoren weer met elkaar herenigd en de gevechten konden gaan beginnen.
Rossi nam de 3de plaats van Pedrosa over omdat die zijn bocht te wijd nam, ontmoette zo zijn teammaat en besloot om daar heibel te zoeken en de Spanjaard zijn plekje te ontnemen. Het koppige karakter van Lorenzo zorgde nog voor een lichte tegenspraak maar na enkele bochten tegengestribbeld te hebben, moest hij Rossi uiteindelijk laten gaan.
In die tijd was Marquez al een flink eind uitgelopen en zag het er naar uit dat het voor Rossi een hele klus zou worden om dat gigantische gat van 2.3 seconden te dichten.
Alsof het nog niet genoeg was voor Lorenzo, werd hij ook nog eens op de proef gesteld door landgenoot Pedrosa, die het race gevoel weer helemaal in de vingers had en uithaalde.  Lorenzo moest het op een achtervolgen inzetten maar toch creĆ«erde er zich een gaatje dat langzaamaan groter werd. 
Ook Rossi moest eraan geloven.  Zijn teammaat kon hij nu wel vergeten, die uitliep met bijna vijf seconden, maar Dani had zijn handen vol met Vale achter zich te houden en slaagde er ook in.
Marquez nam op meesterlijke wijze eindelijk zijn 2de overwinning in ontvangst en brak het ronde record. Pedrosa werd knap 2de. Rossi vervolledigde het podium en Lorenzo moest vrede nemen met 4de plaats en doet daardoor geen goeie zaak in het klassement. Marquez daarentegen, die wist naar de 4de stek te klimmen maar is qua punten te ver verwijderd van het uiteindelijke gevecht.
Nu op naar de USA, Indianapolis J

 Merel Reyntjens

zondag 28 juni 2015

Valentino Rossi viert verjaardag Assen!

Vele fans waren dit weekend afgezakt naar het Nederlandse Assen om hun helden luidkeels aan te moedigen, maar dat was niet de enige reden. Assen vierde deze zaterdag haar 85ste verjaardag. Ook hebben ze na 85 jaar de traditie doorbroken en beslist om het racegebeuren voortaan de zondag door te laten gaan. De vraag was nu: welke rijder zal Assen in de bloemetjes zetten?

Voor de Rossi-fans begon het al hoopgevend want The Doctor veroverde de pole positie op zijn geliefde circuit. Het was van in Valencia vorig jaar geleden dat hij nog eens dat eerste plekje kon reserveren. Zijn teamgenoot Jorge Lorenzo had een heel wat mindere kwalificatie achter de rug en moest starten vanuit de derde rij. Ook het Ducati team zat niet waar het hoorde te zitten, in tegenstelling tot het Honda team dat terug te vinden was op 1ste en 2de rij. Aleix Espargaro wist de tweede pace te bemachtigen en kon met goede hoop verlangen naar zaterdag.

Gisteren dus. 23 adrenaline verslavende asfaltschaatsers, 26 ronden van spanning, risico en glorie en maar 1 ereplaats die te bemachtigen valt.
Dovende rode lichten gaven aan dat het gevecht kon beginnen. Allemaal stoofden ze naar de naderende bocht en het was Rossi die hem als eerste aansneed.
Lorenzo begon aan een succesvol inhaalmanoeuvre maar eenmaal aangeschoven als derde moest hij toekijken hoe Rossi en Marquez al vanaf het begin zich langzaam maar zeker losrukten van de rest. 
Wie ontbrak vooraan waren Pedrosa en Dovizioso. Een slechte start had hen naar de bodem van de top 10 gedreven en op een achtervolgen aangewezen.
Eenmaal opgeschoven was het enige wat ze te zien kregen een blauw stipje kleiner worden, een blauw stipje dat na een slechte start zicht goed had herpakt en zich vastklampte aan een podiumplaats, om de schade zoveel mogelijk te beperken.
Maar twee mannen waren gisteren gewoon te sterk . Valentino Rossi had na 18 ronden nog altijd geweigerd om zijn leiderspositie over te dragen aan Marquez, wetend dat die het moment om toe te slaan verstandig afwachtte. En toen, in ronde 19, waagde het Spaanse gevaar zijn kans en eiste de leiding op. Het was begonnen. Publiek dat recht sprong en gillend hun vlaggen en kleuren in de strijd gooiden om hun helden door dat titanenduel heen te loodsen en publiek thuis dat in de sofa met opgetrokken benen, wijd opengesperde ogen en ingehouden adem zat toe te kijken brachten de sfeer tot op een hoogtepunt en hielpen mee de spanning op te drijven.
Rossi had het blijkbaar onder controle en verraste Marquez doorheen de bocht maar de Honda beet zich vast aan het rubber van het blauwe gevaarte voor zich en kwam terug dominant naar voren getreden.
De laatste ronde ging in met Marquez aan de leiding en Rossi op z’n hielen.  Het zag ernaar uit dat Marquez uiteindelijk zijn 2de zege van het seizoen zou versieren… tot op het moment dat er nog vier bochten te gaan waren en ze de chicane inreden. 

Rossi zag zijn kans ingaan en speelde zijn laatste troeven uit door nog eenmaal aan te vallen, iets wat Marquez niet verwacht had. Vale schoof via binnenkant bocht langs Marquez heen. Maar die gaf een tegenreactie en de twee botsende kuipen gaven de genadeslag. Marquez werd naar de buitenkant toe geslagen en Rossi scheerde door het grint heen en sneed de chicane af.
Zonder snelheid te minderen kwam hij, Valentino Rossi, tot ieders verbazing heelhuids terug op het asfalt terecht en reed, na er een hele wedstrijd hard voor te hebben gevochten, de overwinning tegemoet.
Marquez werd verdiend 2de na een ijzersterke wedstrijd en heeft duidelijk getoond dat hij verre van ontmoedigd is door vorige racen.
Lorenzo vervolledigde het podium. Hij had misschien het grote gat niet weten te dichten, maar wist er wel een dubbel zo groot achter zich te maken. Zijn rij van overwinningen werd misschien doorbroken, maar die van Yamaha blijft onverstoord verder gaan.

Rossi             163 pt
Lorenzo         153 pt
Iannone         107 pt

 Merel Reyntjens

donderdag 16 april 2015

Turning on the winning-mode

Last Sunday, all eyes were pointed at the great American country, more specifically at Austin. The tension rose with the fact that Marquez wanted his revenge for Qatar and with Rossi who desires to hold his leaders position. And then our Ducati team… will they be as dangerous as they were two weeks ago? Will Lorenzo manage to take his first victory, even with his bronchitis? We did missed someone on the grid. Dani Pedrosa is recovering from his surgery after having troubles with his arm pump. Take care Dani!

But that didn’t hold the Honda team back from having a good start. Marquez took the pole position and broke the record lap. Dovizioso was qualified 2nd and Lorenzo filled in the first row. Rossi had to start form 4th pace on the grid.

There was a delayed start. (delayed for 40min)
It was Dovizioso who took the hole shot and the 21-laps during fight for honor had started. For some riders, the first round wasn’t exactly according to the plan. Scott Redding drove like a mad man into the trickiest turn of the circuit, crashed and took Pol Espargaro with him.

It didn’t took long before Marquez found his way to the front of the group. It wasn’t easy to lose the rapid Dovizioso, but slowly, thanks to a fight between the two Italians, Rossi and Dovi, he was able to escape. Rossi felt the coming danger called Smith and pushed his Yamaha with perfection through the sliding corners and eventually overtook Dovi. But it was too late.The only thing Rossi saw was a shrinking Spanish butt.
Up to the next goal: keeping the two Ducati’s behind him. But another enemy showed up. His front tire was used up. The same problem for Marquez, but because of a 3.5s gap, he was pretty save.
Rossi had to take his corners very wide so Dovizioso had time to come back and when it came to speed, the Ducati was unstoppable. 
And eventually, Marquez won his first victory of the season. Dovizioso took the 2nd step on the podium and Rossi completed the top 3 and remains leader. Lorenzo had a better 2nd half and was able to gain 4th place. Iannone became 5th. Aoyama, who took the place of Pedrosa, ended up 11th. There was a crash of Hernandez and a defect bike of Abraham.

Has Marc Marquez found the taste of winning back and should the other riders be scared again? Anyway, the Baby Alien can now celebrate his third consecutive win from pole position at the #AmericasGP 

Merel Reyntjens

donderdag 2 april 2015

Vale claims first victory, Ducati back in the game!

There and back again!
From the moment the decision for all categories  had been made in Valencia, die-hards were already counting until the start of NEXT season.
It all started with #136DaysUntilQatar

Emma Oakley
People shared photos and showed their talent by making drawings of our favourite champs. 
For many of us this was a long winter without the sound of roaring engines and no shining masterpieces on the asphalt.
But now the waiting is over. The riders are prepared, the bikes are improved and even more breathtaking than ever known. 

Back to Qatar. Tons of questions. Will Marquez start his season with the first victory or is Lorenzo eager to prove that Qatar is HIS track? Will Rossi be able to attack the Spanish bulls?
And Ducati, a team who had already the needed skills and talent, came back with a new work of art. The Ducati had been improved like it never had before. The fear for the two red Italians, Dovizioso and Iannone, was growing. And rightly so!
Ducati took the pole position with Dovizioso. Pedrosa managed to take 2nd pace on the grid and Marquez completed the first row.
Lorenzo started from second row and Rossi… well he had to be satisfied with the third row.

Hole shot for Dovi and a hectic start for Marquez. He made a mistake in the first turn and had to chase the group from behind followed by a sequence of spectacular overtakes.
The top speed of the Ducati was incredible. 356km/h. No match for the Yamaha’s of Lorenzo and Rossi.
While Marquez was flying all over the riders, Pedrosa had a fight with himself. He pushed his bike as far as possible and tried to keep his team mate, Marquez, behind him, but he failed. Because of the pain in his arm, Dani was unable to get the best out of it. 
Lorenzo lost control over Rossi and Dovizioso, who looked like two robots on a circuit. Also Iannone was riding one of the best races of his career and pushed the Spaniard to the 4th place.
Rossi knew he had to get rid of DesmoDovi and his rapid bike. And he did!

Valentino Rossi, The Doctor, claimed the first victory of the season with Dovizioso 2nd and Iannone 3rd. It took a while, but finally we had a complete Italian podium. Lorenzo 4th, Marquez 5th and Pedrosa 6th.

 Merel Reyntjens